Preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance
Preventive and corrective maintenance services are essential for the proper functioning of equipment and software.

After the final delivery of the work, maintenance activities begin to promote the correct functioning of the equipment and software, in order to reduce failures, correct breakdowns and prevent malfunctions.
Contracting one of the maintenance modalities mentioned below may include Service Level Agreement (SLA) or be carried out through standalone tickets, according to the customer's needs. In the contract, spare parts may be included for the exchange or replacement of equipment in the field that present problems, until the return of the original parts from laboratory maintenance.
Preventive Maintenance
Through actions involving cleaning, system settings and configuration, preventive maintenance seeks to keep equipment and systems operating within the parameters indicated by the manufacturer. Therefore, it is possible to increase the availability of the equipment and reduce the occurrence of damage caused by downtime.
Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance aims at correcting issues presented by the equipment or software and which, in whole or in part, prevent its correct functioning. By doing that, it is possible to reduce productivity losses and carry out quick repairs so that a failure does not generate other problems for production.
Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance carries out early detection and correction of the problem, using statistics and analysis of data collected in the field to predict the future state of the equipment or its uptime. Thereby, the useful life of the devices is increased so as not to interrupt production and it also allows adding new functionalities or additional resources available.